Books, the Morale-Booster We Should Cherish Always.
Out of all the things that make the Earth a perfect place to live, Books hold special importance always. Do you know why?
Books are actually a reflection of our own lives, depicted with a blend of imagination and philosophies! No matter what genre it is, what type of content it has, or who wrote it, a book will always portray at least a tiny bit of ourselves in some part. That’s how connected the books are to us!
The art of reading books takes us not only to the world of fantasies and fiction but to the place where we attain the peace of mind that we always crave for! It instills hope and motivation when we feel down, educates us when we feel uninformed, soothes us down when we are apprehensive, and feeds us with wisdom when we are oblivious.
Joseph Addison, an English writer, once said,
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”
Intended to stay physically fit and healthy, we, the modern age people, focus on workouts and exercises a lot. But, it’s equally important for us to prioritize our mental health too. And, reading books has always been one way of doing that!
Scientifically speaking, reading books can strengthen the connectivity of our brains while proving to be one efficacious source of reducing stress and improving concentration. Our memory power and vocabulary will be augmented automatically if we are good readers.
Sadly, the emergence of social media has considerably reduced the time we spend reading books. But, to be honest, books are never short of entertainment and infotainment when compared to the social media world. The choices it brings to a reader’s table are incredibly enormous and versatile.
The pleasant feeling we get after completing a good book is unparalleled and can never be experienced with anything else.
We people at SPAN comprehend all these values of reading books. That’s why we have created Span Reads, a club developed exclusively to promote the reading of books among all the SPANians.
Every month we coordinate a virtual session to read and discuss any popular books with our SPANians. Till now, we have talked about a few amazing books, and some of them are,
‘Think And Grow Rich’ written by Napoleon Hill,
‘Eat That Frog’ written by Brian Tracy,
‘The Alchemist’ written by Paulo Coelho,
‘Fish!: A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results’ written by Stephen. C. Lundin.
This is just the beginning. We are always dedicated to evolving the readers in us and will continue to do so.